Year: 2015

Employment Newsletter – March 2015

In a judgment that will have repercussions for all employers in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Court of First Instance rejected arguments that the courts are strictly bound by legislation and express terms of an employment contract. Calling Hong Kong’s employment protection “minimal” and recommending that the courts “exercise judicial creativity” to “maintain a fair balance” between employers and employees, it upheld an employee’s claim that an implied term prevented her employer from dismissing her to avoid paying a bonus.

Gall ranked for Dispute Resolution, Employment and Restructuring & Insolvency in the Chambers Asia Pacific 2015 guide

The results of Chambers Asia Pacific 2015 guide have been released. Partners Nick Gall (dispute resolution), Jennifer Van Dale (employment) and Michael Withington (employment, insurance) are named as Leading Individuals in their practice areas. Patricia Yeung (employment) is named as an Associate to Watch.Gall's employment team rank in Band 1 for 2015. The firm was also ranked in Dispute Resolution and Restructuring and Insolvency practice areas.