
高嘉力律师行在《亚太法律服务500强指南》(Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide) (2017年) 中荣获受推荐律师行

高嘉力律师行在最近出版的《亚太法律服务500强指南》(Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide) (2017年) 中荣获受推荐律师行该律师行在香港地区争议解决、就业、重组和破产领域获得排名。该律师行保持了其在这些核心执业领域作为杰出律师行的排名,并获得了客户和同行的一致好评。资深合伙人高嘉力(Nick Gall) 再次被评为香港争议解决方面的杰出个人。

高嘉力律师行在《亚洲法律概况》(AsiaLaw Profiles) (2017年) 中获得排名

Asialaw 已出版了《亚洲法律概况》(2017),一部旨在推荐亚太地区最好的国内和地区律师行的指南。在香港本地律师行类,高嘉力律师行在其核心执业领域:争议解决、 劳资纠纷和破产清算方面获得“高度推荐律师行”。在个人律师类,高嘉力 (Nick Gall) 被评为“业界杰出律师”, 宝琪敦 (Brooke Holden) 和黄启智 (Chris Wong) 被评为“明日之星律师”。

Employment Newsletter May 2016: Hong Kong Court of Appeal confirms implied term of anti-avoidance in employment contracts

Gall was instructed to act for Sunny Tadjudin against the Bank of America in this landmark employment law case. The “Sunny Case” is considered the leading authority in respect of bonus claims in Hong Kong. In the Bank’s latest appeal, the Court considered the issue of whether an anti-avoidance provision can be implied into an employment contract. This judgment has repercussions for all employers in Hong Kong who pay bonuses, especially those in the financial sector. In line with many other jurisdictions, the Court of Appeal confirmed that it is unlawful for Hong Kong employers to terminate an employee’s employment in order to avoid the employee being eligible for assessment of discretionary bonus and payment. Gall’s employment team, led by Nick Gall (Partner), Andrea Randall (Partner) and Stephen Chan (Senior Associate) report on their recent Court of Appeal victory.


雇佣(修订)法案 2016 (简称“法案”)于2016年3月2日被引入立法会。该法案授权劳资审裁处无需在获得雇主同意的情况下,即可在被不合理、非法解员工的要求下,作出强制复职或重新聘用的命令。该法案并未改变目前框架就不合理、合法解雇方面问题的状况。

Employment Newsletter – 三月2015年

In a judgment that will have repercussions for all employers in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Court of First Instance rejected arguments that the courts are strictly bound by legislation and express terms of an employment contract. Calling Hong Kong’s employment protection “minimal” and recommending that the courts “exercise judicial creativity” to “maintain a fair balance” between employers and employees, it upheld an employee’s claim that an implied term prevented her employer from dismissing her to avoid paying a bonus.


钱伯斯亚太法律 2015 指南的排行榜已经公布。合伙人高嘉力(Nick Gall)(纠纷解决)、温展旎(Jennifer Van Dale)(劳工法)和韦兆敦(Michael Withington)(劳工法、保险)被评为各自业务领域的杰出个人。杨善茹(劳工法)被评为“待观察合伙人”。