
陈琬琳和林炎红为Lexology 撰写了判决的执行的香港篇

陈琬琳和林炎红为Lexology 撰写了2020年判决的执行的香港篇。《达成交易》系列中的这一新章节涵盖了世界各地的司法辖区,从专家角度对执行外国判决涉及的关键问题进行了分析。其中的主题包括:条约、法规与公约、时效期限、可执行法令的类型、主管法院、辩护、司法要求与程序、强制司法权的公共政策对执行外国判决、裁决与执行程序的重要作用。

香港法院:在原则和实践上支持仲裁 – 由高嘉力和苏施玛联合撰写,由《实务法律》(Practical Law)出版的 《2019年争议解决全球指南》(The Dispute Resolution Global Guide 2019)香港章节


高嘉力与麥婉君(Lydia Mak)还在 Lexology Navigator 上发表了《香港诉讼新篇章:执行外国判决》(Hong Kong chapter of Litigation:Enforcement of Foreign Judgments)

跨境诉讼越来越多,香港也要认可和执行更多的外国司法判决。高嘉力和麥婉君为您讲解外国判决如何在香港得到认可与执行: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=9d20f9bb-eb6f-4212-bbcd-f23e89dd1ba2

文章: Recognition and Enforcement of a Mainland Judgment in Hong Kong: First Reported Decision

In the recent case of Chan Sang v Chan Kwok & Ors [2016] HKCU 401 (“Chan Sang v Chan Kwok”), Master Harold Leong held that a Mainland judgment is final and enforceable where a certificate has been issued by the original court to that effect. This is the first reported decision of the Hong Kong courts under the Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597) (the “Ordinance”). The decision affirms the Hong Kong Courts approach to uphold, rather than set aside, judgments issued in the Mainland.