年度归档: 2016 年

争议解决 Newsletter 2016年6月: 香港终审法院证实预借现金产品不是“贷款”

高嘉力律师行在终审法院(“CFA”)开庭前得到指示,在这桩意义重大的案件 (FACC 4/2015) 中,代理预资信贷有限公司反驳律政司司长的控诉。上诉法院与终审法院认为,要依照既定的法律原则正确解读商业预借现金合同(“MCA 合同”)的条款,以确定遵循 MCA 合同的交易是否在本质上属于放债人条例第 163 章(“MLO”)规定的贷款。

高嘉力律师行合伙人麦凯琳(Caroline McNally)和黄启智(Chris Wong)出席于香港召开的C5第二届亚洲欺诈、资产追踪与追回年度会议

C5 第二届亚洲欺诈、资产追踪与追回年度会议于2016年6月6日至7日在香港召开。作为该地区此类事件的主要事件,此会议聚集了从事欺诈诉讼和资产追回领域的国际专家队伍,分享其对此增长点的独特经验见解。

文章: Recognition and Enforcement of a Mainland Judgment in Hong Kong: First Reported Decision

In the recent case of Chan Sang v Chan Kwok & Ors [2016] HKCU 401 (“Chan Sang v Chan Kwok”), Master Harold Leong held that a Mainland judgment is final and enforceable where a certificate has been issued by the original court to that effect. This is the first reported decision of the Hong Kong courts under the Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597) (the “Ordinance”). The decision affirms the Hong Kong Courts approach to uphold, rather than set aside, judgments issued in the Mainland.

Employment Newsletter May 2016: Hong Kong Court of Appeal confirms implied term of anti-avoidance in employment contracts

Gall was instructed to act for Sunny Tadjudin against the Bank of America in this landmark employment law case. The “Sunny Case” is considered the leading authority in respect of bonus claims in Hong Kong. In the Bank’s latest appeal, the Court considered the issue of whether an anti-avoidance provision can be implied into an employment contract. This judgment has repercussions for all employers in Hong Kong who pay bonuses, especially those in the financial sector. In line with many other jurisdictions, the Court of Appeal confirmed that it is unlawful for Hong Kong employers to terminate an employee’s employment in order to avoid the employee being eligible for assessment of discretionary bonus and payment. Gall’s employment team, led by Nick Gall (Partner), Andrea Randall (Partner) and Stephen Chan (Senior Associate) report on their recent Court of Appeal victory.


高嘉力律师行非常自豪且荣幸地成为本年度 YDA(儿童糖尿协会)春季嘉年华的赞助方之一,YDA 支持患有糖尿病的香港儿童的年度筹款活动。当夜主题为“Le Grand Tour”,赛车与音乐之夜,以及赛车手丹·威尔斯的励志演讲。本次活动是为新购置的香港兒童糖尿中心筹集善款用于购买设备而举行。

文章: Hong Kong CFI Stays Proceedings in favour of Arbitration

In a judgment delivered on 4 March 2016 the Hong Kong CFI has ruled that the court need only be satisfied on a prima facie basis that a valid arbitration agreement applies, in order to stay court proceedings. The case in question is Bluegold Investment Holdings Limited v Kwan Chun Fun Calvin [HCA 1492/2015].The decision confirms Hong Kong’s position as an attractive seat for international arbitration and highlights the importance of ensuring consistency across suites of documents.