
《钱伯斯亚太指南》(Chambers Asia Pacific Guide)(2016年):高嘉力律师行荣获争议解决、家庭/婚姻、重组和破产领域排名;高嘉力与麦凯琳被评为杰出人士


Dispute Resolution Newsletter – December 2015

Court of Final Appeal - Winding Up Foreign Companies in Hong KongOn 11 November 2015, the Court of Final Appeal (the “CFA”) handed down its decision ending the 8-year family feud between members of the second-generation owners of the much-loved Yung Kee restaurant. The CFA ruled that Yung Kee Holdings Limited (the “Company”), be wound up, but gave the parties 28 days within which to discuss a share buy-out. The decision has attracted the close attention of both Hong Kong’s legal community and fans of the iconic family restaurant as it represents a landmark determination on principles concerning the Hong Kong Courts’ jurisdiction to wind up foreign companies.


在《亚太法律》最近出版的《2016 年亚太区知名国内律师行指南》中,高嘉力律师行作为争议解决领域的知名律师行获得高度推荐。客户评价该律师行称,它拥有“经得起检验的诉讼经验和声誉”,是“一个提供更具个人化、更贴身服务的精品律师所。所有律师均具备丰富的经验和商业意识,能够提供可靠的建议”。


2016 年 IBA 年度诉讼论坛将于 2016 年 4 月 27 至 29 日在旧金山举办。高嘉力律师行有幸赞助此次活动,其承办方为 IBA 诉讼委员会和 IBA 公司法律顾问论坛,并得到了 IBA 北美地区论坛的协助。


钱伯斯亚太法律 2015 指南的排行榜已经公布。合伙人高嘉力(Nick Gall)(纠纷解决)、温展旎(Jennifer Van Dale)(劳工法)和韦兆敦(Michael Withington)(劳工法、保险)被评为各自业务领域的杰出个人。杨善茹(劳工法)被评为“待观察合伙人”。