月度归档: 2016年12月

“香港法庭:赞同仲裁、知识产权及其他诉讼”——高嘉力(Nick Gall)和苏施玛(Ashima Sood)对 Practical Law 出版的《争议解决全球指南(The Arbitration Global Guide)》的香港章节作出贡献

The Dispute Resolution Global Guide provides practical analysis of topical cross-border issues and country-specific Q&A guides on dispute resolution law and practice worldwide. The Q&A guide aims to give a structured overview of the key practical issues including, for example, court procedures, fees and funding, interim remedies (including attachment orders), disclosure, expert evidence, appeals, class actions, enforcement of judgments, cross-border issues and the use of ADR.

“香港法庭:赞同仲裁、知识产权及其他诉讼”——宝琪敦(Brooke Holden)和霍特拉(Urvashi Malhotra)对 Practical Law 出版的《仲裁全球指南(The Arbitration Global Guide)》的香港章节作出贡献

Practical Law’s Arbitration Global Guide provides practical analysis of topical cross-border issues and country-specific Q&A guides on arbitration law and practice worldwide. The Q&A guide aims to give a structured overview of the key practical issues including, for example, any mandatory provisions and default rules applicable under local law, confidentiality, local courts' willingness to assist arbitration, enforcement of awards and the available remedies, both final and interim.


高嘉力非常荣幸获得香港律师会2016年度公益及社区工作认可计划银奖。颁奖典礼将于 2016年12月16日(星期五)在亚洲协会香港中心的米拿剧院举行。该典礼将会表彰在 2015年7月1日至 2016年6月30日期间在公益事业及社区工作中有杰出贡献的律师和律师事务所。